Sword & Sassery

So, yeah, my name is Sassy. Not my given name, mind you. Mama put “Cecily” on my birth certificate. But my big brother Ben was only two, and he couldn’t say that. All he could come up with was “Sassy.” Mama thought that was pretty cute, and it kinda stuck. Since then, I’ve sort of grown into the name. I mean, if they’re gonna call you, “Sassy,” you gotta live up to that, right?"

– Sassy Kincaide, kenpo black belt, game store clerk

Shadows Over Alfar

She’s used to fighting monsters in RPG’s. In real life, not so much …


Cincinnati, Ohio. Sassy Kincaide is living that geek life. Working at a game store, teaching martial arts, and playing D&D doesn’t make her rich, but it beats having a real job. But when she learns that fantasy stuff she loves is actually all true courtesy of a giant demon trying to murder her, she’ll need every ounce of her nerd knowledge just to live through the night.


Rescued by an irresistible, swoon-worthy half-incubus, Sassy is yanked into the secret world of the supernatural by a cryptic organization that believes she’s some sort of prophesied Chosen One. And with a dragon running for Congress, a vampire killing for sheer pleasure, and a homicidally jealous half-brother she didn’t even know about, magic may not be enough when every paranormal punk has her marked for death.


Can the sharp-tongued gamer level up in time to avoid getting barbecued …
or worse?


Sword & Sassery is Phoebe Ravencraft’s snarkalicious new adult urban fantasy series. If you enjoy strong, in-your-face, LGBTQ+ characters, kickass fight scenes, and a metric ton of smack-talk, you’ll love these action-packed adventures.



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