About Phoebe

Photo of Phoebe.

Phoebe Ravencraft is a transfemme nonbinary fantasy author, whose pronouns are she/they. She was raised on a steady diet of comic books, D&D, Broadway musicals, and Star Trek, which she put to questionable use by earning a Bachelor’s and most of a Master’s degree in English Literature. But she did eventually become a professional writer.


An award-winning game designer, Mx. Ravencraft geeks out on Magic: The Gathering, Labyrinth, Carcassonne, and other boardgames. She is passionate about the Cincinnati Bengals, queer representation, and equal rights for everyone.


She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her beloved wife; two diabolical cats obsessed with the furnace closet; and two dogs convinced every delivery truck is driven by Satan. She wishes she were more like Margo Hanson (The Magicians) and less like Willow Rosenberg.

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